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Years 7 to 9

iLower Secondary

Pearson Edexcel iLowerSecondary (iLS) is a complete, three year programme for students between the ages of 12 and 14. Similar to the iPrimary, subjects are taught through six-weekly, cross-curricular modules while Mathematics, Languages and Sciences remaining discrete subjects.

As well as the curriculum itself, the programme also comes with a wealth of support with sample Schemes of Work, exemplified Units of Work, internally assessed Progress Tests, externally assessed Achievement tests and a comprehensive Professional Development programme – all supported by world-renowned Pearson print and digital courseware.



The Pearson Edexcel iLowerSecondary English curriculum is designed specifically for non-native speakers of English who are studying the majority of their curriculum subjects in English. Taking the best approaches of a first language curriculum and combing them with EAL progression, scaffolding and support, students will be well prepared for further study in International GCSEs in either English as a First or English as a Second Language.


The Pearson Edexcel iLowerSecondary Mathematics curriculum has been created as an internationalised, updated version of the latest English National Curriculum (2014). Providing a strong foundation in mathematics, the curriculum reinforces concepts from primary mathematics and bridges the gap to the study of International GCSE Mathematics and beyond.


With a strong emphasis on developing scientific enquiry skills and content designed to support enquiry-based learning, the Pearson Edexcel iLowerSecondary Science curriculum is based on the latest version of the English National Curriculum (2014), but with the international student in mind.

Súkromná Základná Škola, Trnavská Cesta 3421/39, Bratislava

Súkromné Gymnázium, Trnavská Cesta 3421/39 Bratislava

Trnavská cesta 3421/39, 831 04 Nové Mesto, Bratislava


Tel: +421 919 379 965

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